Hi there!
After a short post-Vietnam, sick-well-busy-sick hiatus I am pleased to announce that the auction for the upcycled challenge for charity auction is upon us!
Over the next few days I will be posting the wonderful hand-made and upcycled items that have been contributed to support Green Collect, a Melbourne based, innovative, social enterprise working to create inclusive workplaces for people that have experienced homelessness and disadvantage.
If you would like to bid for one of the items listed please leave a comment below the post. If you have any dramas posting, send an email to gomumma [at] gmail [dot] com.
If you love all things hand made and want to support a GREAT cause please bid away! All proceeds will be donated to Green Collect. I can accept paypal payments, bank deposits and cash payments if you know me personally.
Please please please share the posts with your friends. I will be posting on Facebook also however bids will need to come via the blog.
Thanks guys! Stay tuned!!
(Ps.. If you are still working on an item you have until the end of the week to get it to me (or at least a photo & description!))
(Pps.. I know it is no longer winter but please humour me.. xoxoxo)