Blue skies with fluffy white clouds. Crisp sunny mornings. Quietness. Silence. Wide open spaces. Green grass. Quaint cottages. Neat rows of vegetables in garden beds. Messy, wild veggie gardens with no paths. Little birds picking at the ground. Wiggly earthworms in my worm farm munching on my kitchen scraps. Growing plants from seeds. Every day miracles. A clean kitchen. The smell of baking bread. Butter. Lots of butter. The smell of spices. The smell of wet laundry. The smell of freshly cut grass. The feel of my Pop's front lawn under my feet. Doing cartwheels on Pop's lawn. Eating boiled fruit cake with nan. Drinking 27 cups of tea. Coffee. Really good coffee. Meeting passionate new people. Meeting people who like the things I like. My babies. My daughter's soft soft soft cheeks. My son's cheeky bites on my feet, arms, fingers. My darling footy loving, silly, hairy, talented husband. Wool. Colourful crochet hooks. Finding new fun patterns. Creating. Finishing things. Reading blogs. Dreaming of changing things. Actually changing things. Moving a room around. Cleaning away dust. Forgiving people. Laughing. Hysterical laughing. Collapsing on the floor laughing. Funny visuals. Cake Wrecks. My sister in law. Being together. Creating together. Watching the family expand. Being in on the secret. Keeping secrets. Receiving letters. Realising I am making a difference. Loving people. Being vulnerable. Taking risks. Hiding away sometimes. Closing the door. Saying goodbye. Sighing in relief. Finding treasures in op shops. Vintage dresses. Cleaning out my wardrobe and donating things to the op shop. Changing the sheets. Showering, shaving my legs and getting into bed. Turning over my pillow to feel the cool on my cheek. Waking up when it's still dark. Walking on my own. Travelling to the river. Smelling wet earth. My weekend co-worker. Learning from elders. Listening to music created by my family. Listening to my 1 year old learning to sing. Hearing my 5 year old's naturally perfect pitch. Knowing that music will be special to them too. Our foster child. Being trusted. Sharing life together. My darling mother. Seeing mum in her element. Eating her delicious foody creations. Being ok with not really knowing much. Being open to learning new things. Eating things that nourish me. Eating luscious treats. Moving my body without feeling restricted. Knowing that there is more to life than just this. Knowing God. Knowing love. Knowing that they are one and the same.
Homemade Romesco Sauce Recipe
18 hours ago
Your blog makes me smile! Thoroughly enjoy reading it! xx
Thanks for stopping by! :)
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