Sunday, 12 May 2013

Happy Mother's Day

It's been a very long time between posts. To say that life has been busy would be an understatement. As my last post (5 months ago... where did the time go?) suggested, I have been working like a trooper to support the family while John studies and just about everything else has been put on the back burner..

I really have neglected a lot of things that make me feel good and "together"... classic overworked mother syndrome.. and now I am feeling stressed, tired, over-stuffed (all my clothes are too tight), and uninspired creatively. I really feel that this needs to change so I thought re-kindling this old blog of mine might help me to identify and begin to address these things. I've been inspired by my sisters (in-law) Mezz of "Mezz Makes Stuff" and Taz of "Butter and Buntings", to use this space to document my creative endeavours and also chat about the good, the bad, the irritating and joyful stuff that life throws our way.

I promise it wont be too gloomy but I really need to figure out how to put myself somewhere among my top few priorities as I fear if I don't I'll end up right back where I was 10 years ago (118kg). Food has always been my comfort in times of stress and I often don't realise I am stressed until I have spent a few days.. weeks... months bingeing on stuff that is really bad for me. I am not anti-fat.. I love curves.. I just feel awful right now and I know what it feels like to be fit and to put good food into my body at most meals and I know I want to feel that again.

I need to get my health back in the spotlight but I don't want to be all crazy and obsessive about it. I want to eat like a normal person without it being the main focus of my life.

On that note... let's talk about today!

Today has been a gorgeous Mother's Day.. My two belly babes and my foster babe have made me feel very special and spoilt me with a lovely breakfast and a handful of carefully selected presents. They know me very well. I stayed in bed while they scurried around preparing things. I ate a delicious 2 course breakfast of cheesy leek toasties and eggs and tomato salsa on toast and sipped espresso out of my new Marimekko mug that the girls chose for me (I get a new one each special occasion).

I am at my Nan's now where we have had a delightful lunch and spent quality time hanging out, drinking tea and ducking outside for the occasional kick of the footy.

It's been idyllic.

I might leave it there today and show you a few photos of my lovely morning... I'll have a think about my next post and try to be positive and proactive rather than whiny.

If you read this.. please do leave a comment!


Excuse the poor quality picture but I wanted to share the lovely "mum" cakes that my darling foster daughter baked me. So lovely..


ButterandBuntings said...

Yayy ash...i hope you do blog more and i cant wait to see where your creative side leads you! Those coasters and handmade mugs are the best! xoxo

Unknown said...

Thanks Taz! I am really loving your blog and you have definitely inspired me! I'd love to be part of the next craft swap thingy that's going around!

Nicole (Make Sew Bake Grow) said...

Hi Ash, so lovely to see your name come up in my reader list! Can't wait to read more about your beautiful family. I love that when you write, you write with honesty, and about real things, not the usual life-is-so-great-and-pinteresty stuff that goes around blogland. So never apologise for writing about some of the less-than-perfect days or feelings, it's not 'whiny' at all!!

Mezz said...

lovely ash...yay for u and ur blog!im sorry i havnt picked up on ur stress of late....think ive been a bit overwhelmed by my own recently!lets make a date soon to go out for dinner with noooooo kids..i loooooove them all to bits but it would be nice to be ash and mezz for a night and not just stressed out mums!lets do it!if i eva hear of a crafty swappy thing ill let u know about it xx

Tully said...

I'm always thrilled when I see an old blogging friend pop up in my google reader, lovely to hear from you and great to hear you'll be taking more time for yourself.

I think we might need the cheesey leek toast recipe because that just looks amazing, what talented babies you have! :)

Andrea said...

Happy Mothers Day! I still read. I haven't blogged for a few years but I am on FB. Your blog is on my rss feed. I stick around because you're beautiful and you have a beautiful family and you make beautiful things!

Kek said...

What a lovely Mothers Day, Ash! Those kids are just gorgeous. :)

philippa_moore said...

Yay, an update from Ash!! That cheesy leek thingy looks amazing. I'm so proud of you and the amazing mum and woman that you are. Had to LOL at the "you're as helpful as a maid" on the Mother's Day to love kiddies and their honesty ;)

The Waifs "London Still" is playing on the stereo as I write this and it always makes me think of you, especially this line "If I ever come home, and I think I will, I hope you're gonna wanna hang at my place on Sundays still." :)

You still inspire me, every day xxx

Jackie Ohhhh said...

Yay! Glad you're back.

Would love to see some posts about your household budgeting and any thrifty tips you might have now that your other half is studying again. May be finding myself in a similar situation soon.

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