Thursday, 13 January 2011

Would you like to contribute?

So I have officially gone from feeling like the birth is some distant event in the future to feeling like I really need to get myself organised as it could be 4 weeks away (it also could be 8 but let's not think about that!)..

I would like to start thinking about getting my bedroom feeling nice (ie. like I would want to give birth in here) and also to organise a space on the wall where I can put up some pictures, quotes, words etc for me to look at in the lead up to and during my labour.

A while ago I asked my Twitter friends if anyone would like to make something to contribute to my space and quite a few people said they would love to! So I am putting the same request out here...

Would you send me something encouraging to put up on the wall in my birth space?

Leave a comment with your email address and I will send you my postal address.


Lauren said...

I missed this on Twitter, but I'd love to send you something!!

My email is

Unknown said...

Good luck on your HB, I am an aspiring homebirther too but I have 16 weeks to go!

kia said...

It may be a little late but I would love to contribute from the states


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