Thursday, 9 December 2010

Eggs & pelvic pain...

After suffering for several weeks with fairly severe pelvic pain, a friend of mine suggested lecithin to ease the pain. I had never heard much about lecithin before so I did what all good bloggers do and I "Googled it"..

I found out that a great source of lecithin is the humble chicken egg!

So three days later, and eating 2 eggs per day, I can confidently say that my pelvic pain has eased substantially! I am quite shocked at the super swift result! I am so thankful to my friend for suggesting it... 

I have some exercises from my osteo and have been advised to get a support belt..

If this combination (eggs, exercises & belt) is all it takes to feel better, I'm stoked! 


green ink said...

Glad you are feeling better! Did you know you can also get lecithin granules at health food shops and put them in muesli, cereal, smoothies, etc. I remember it being an ingredient in the homemade muesli recipe that I used to follow :)

Dani said...

I've got 8 weeks to go and my pelvic pain is getting worse. Will try the
Eggs! I have a tube thing from the physio that helps a bit might need to up the osteo visits. Does anyone know if it affects labour?

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