Tuesday, 19 October 2010


I'm shocked...

Had a call from C/Link today and it seems that they had communicated some information to us wrong and it turns out there is no record in the system of any debt that we owe. I don't have a clue how this has worked out but I'll take it! There's no debt!!

I feel like we can move forward now but are in a much more organised place and will be walking a better path. What a blessing!

I'm so thankful to God for helping us out of what was looking like a pretty sticky situation.

I do not take it for granted and am totally committed to our renewed enthusiasm for living frugally.


Mrs Magoo said...

That is FANTASTIC news! What a huge relief :o)

green ink said...

Phew!! That must have been a very happy phone call. I am so relieved for you. But like you said it never hurts to look at your lifestyle and see where you can save a bit of dosh here and there anyway :D Fantastic news!! xxxx

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